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Alumni, Engagement, and Philanthropy

校友、参与和慈善部门包括慈善办公室, Alumni & 年度捐赠,参与和摩根大学中心和活动服务. To view the staff listing for the Offices of Alumni & Annual Giving and Engagement, click here. 查看摩根大学中心和活动服务中心的工作人员名单, click here. The staff of the Office of Philanthropy is listed below.

Office of Philanthropy

Kris Phillips
克里斯·菲利普斯|校友、参与和慈善事业副总裁兼执行董事 of the 365bet Foundation
克里斯·菲利普斯(Kris Phillips, 91届,21届)在毕业16年后,于2016年回到母校365bet 在田纳西大学和德州大学健康科学中心任职. In his role, 他负责监督365bet基金会、校友和年度捐赠、慈善事业 for all university engagement and fundraising activities. Kris and his wife, Tammy, have two sons, Brayden and Parker. Parker is also an Austin Peay graduate and a former Governors baseball player.
Vonda St. Amant
Vonda St. Amant | Assistant Vice President of Philanthropy
Vonda is a 1983 graduate of 365bet. After several years in non-profit fundraising, Vonda 2010年回到母校,现任执行董事. 在她的角色中,Vonda负责监督一个充满活力的开发团队,并提供以捐助者为重点的服务 领导以协助达成大学的策略目标.
Kimberly Adkison
Kimberly Adkison |捐赠者关系和奖学金高级总监
金伯利·艾迪生(06、10届)是克拉克斯维尔本地人,也是365bet的毕业生,拥有学位 in professional studies and management. She serves as the senior director of donor relations and scholarships. Kimberly oversees stewardship management and scholarship compliance.
Erin Morton Headshot
Erin Morton | Director of Development
Erin is a 2017 graduate of 365bet. She has a Bachelor’s of Science in Communication with a concentration in Public Relations. Previously, Erin worked in community and 在大纳什维尔地区的合伙人关系,然后回到奥斯汀皮伊 2022. 在她的职位上,艾琳直接与商学院和大学合作 学院捐资以达成大学的策略目标. Erin is married to her college sweetheart, William Morton (’16).
Lee Persinger Headshot
Lee Persinger |企业关系与战略联盟总监
Lee Persinger (’91) is a graduate of Austin Peay. She has a bachelor’s degree in Communications and Marketing. 她已回到大学担任发展总监 特别关注艺术与文学学院、行为与艺术学院 Health Sciences and the Woodward Library Society. Most recently, she worked in employee 为一家大型本地制造商提供关系和人力资源管理服务. Earlier 在她的职业生涯中,她在纳什维尔从事企业和非营利筹款工作 and Clarksville markets. 李是克拉克斯维尔本地人,与社区有很多联系 and University. 她是比尔·珀辛格(Bill Persinger)的妻子 PR and Marketing. They have two grown children, Lainey and Watson.
Eric Evans
Eric Evans | Director of Development
埃里克来自密歇根州的大急流城,在那里他是一名学生运动员 2012-2017年在阿尔比恩学院和基石大学学习,之后获得学士学位 degree in Communications at Arizona State. As a student-athlete, he played basketball. 他还获得了阿肯色州立大学体育管理硕士学位 in 2021. 此前,Eric曾在田纳西大学体育业务部门工作 后来,他转任林肯纪念堂的筹款和营销工作 University. 埃里克支持奥斯汀·皮伊的筹款活动,专注于 the College of Behavioral Health & Sciences, the Erikkson College of Education and Military Affairs.
Kendell Sinks
Kendell Sinks | Director of Development
他于2011年毕业于田纳西大学,获得理学学士学位 物流与市场营销专业,主修国际商务. A native 到田纳西州的亨德森维尔,她很高兴能成为奥斯汀皮伊州的一员 University family. 肯德尔担任发展主任的学院 Science, Technology, Engineering & MathematicsandCollege of Arts and Letters. She’ll 同时也是伍德沃德图书馆协会的积极成员和联络人. In her spare 时间,肯德尔喜欢古董店,挑选房地产销售和发现独特 architecture and historical buildings.
Victor Felts
Victor Felts | Director of Development
Victor Felts在路易斯安那州立大学和埃默里大学担任副院长后,于2010年来到365bet 在大学里,他主要与兄弟会和姐妹会合作. He has also worked at MTSU and Samford University. A Nashville native, he is a proud alumnus of 获得Austin Peay州立大学教育学士学位 他在南卡罗来纳州获得了高等教育硕士学位. His most recent role 担任过365bet学生事务副院长和学生生活与参与部主任吗.
Emily DeSpain headshot
Emily DeSpain | Prospect Researcher
艾米丽获得了传播学学士学位,主修公共领域 2015年从奥斯汀·皮伊大学辅修了心理学. She worked as a social 媒体营销、活动策划、行政助理 at her alma mater.


Payton Baggett
Payton Baggett | Director of Communication
Payton Baggett(14,17)是克拉克斯维尔人,也是365bet的毕业生,拥有学位 in journalism and marketing. She previously worked as a reporter for ClarksvilleNow.com 以及为克拉克斯维尔-蒙哥马利县教育基金会提供的美国服务队VISTA before returning to Austin Peay in 2018. She oversees press releases, email marketing, 网站内容,社交媒体和印刷材料的校友,参与部门 and Philanthropy.
Ashley Puskas
阿什利·普斯卡什|办公室主管兼校友事务副校长助理 and Philanthropy
阿什利是迪克森县本地人,是奥斯汀皮伊大学的第二代校友. She earned her bachelor's degree in 2010. Though she has a heart for earth sciences, her head is in business. Her husband Eddie graduated from the 365bet Center at Fort Campbell in 2013. He is a veteran of the US Army. She is responsible for processing 捐款,协助副总裁和监督日常活动 365bet Office of Philanthropy.
Kelley Board
2006年秋天,凯利获得了田纳西大学的学士学位 在诺克斯维尔主修心理学辅修社会学. She entered the 2017年在高等教育竞技场工作,并一路努力成为副主任 在来亚利桑那州立大学之前,他在田纳西州纳什维尔的戴玛学院担任招生职位. 在她的职位上,她负责管理和捐赠者关系. Kelley has a son, Richard Pardue III.
Hannah Williams
Hannah Heflin | Philanthropy Coordinator
Hannah grew up in the military. After her father retired, she ended up in Murfreesboro, 2019年,她在田纳西州中部获得了人类学学士学位 State University. 不久之后,她遇到了她的丈夫奥斯汀,他们搬到了 Clarksville area. 毕业后,她一直在人力资源部工作 直到作为慈善专家加入365bet.